
Saya Suka…

2 Responses so far »

  1. 1

    aaduh97 said,

    Kita memang suka buat buat kraftangan. Selain tu kita suka belajar english, sains dan muzik islami terutamanya yang dinyanyikan oleh kanak-kanak. Ini kita tengah buat kapal di UIA semasa minggu EngiTex yang dianjurkan oleh pelajar-pelajar Fakulti Kejuruteraan. Kita masuk sambil tunggu nak main chess di situ. Oh ye, kita suka juga main chess.

  2. 2

    James said,

    Hello there,

    Sorry to bother you, but I wanted to ask a quick question. Is there room for improvement when it comes to your website?

    Most websites need edits, tweaks, content, logos, SEO, marketing, branding, etc. and that’s why I reached out to you.

    My name is James and I go around the internet and test services and marketplaces to see if they’re legitimate. I then let everyone know about the winners I’ve decided to stick with for my own websites so you don’t have to do the vetting yourself.

    You can see my 2 big winners here: https://webvetted.com

    Go through the websites, find some packages you like, reach out to a few freelancers if you want to buy something, and push your website to be better 🙂


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